Valley RFC x PP Community Walk & Talk

Valley RFC x PP Community Walk & Talk

We are off again! 我哋再次出發!

Join us for our second community walk as we meander through Victoria Park to the waterfront and along to the AIA Vitality Hub where we dive into the ups and downs of loving our sport. As before, players from the club will offer their stories to guide us through the theme.

參加我哋第二次嘅社區步行活動,一齊穿過維多利亞公園,到達海傍,並沿著AIA Vitality 健康總部,深入了解我哋熱愛運動嘅大起大落情緒。同之前一樣,會有球會嘅球員分享佢哋同今次主題有關嘅故事。

Date: 16th February 2024.
Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm
6.30pm – meet at Victoria Park Fountain and ice breaker activity
6.45pm – leave Victoria Park
7.45pm – arrive at AIA Vitality Hub
7.45pm to 8.45pm – talk and Q&A

日期: 2024年2月16日
時間: 下午6時30分至8時30分
6.30pm - 在維多利亞公園噴泉集合及進行破冰活動
6.45pm - 離開維園
7.45pm - 到達AIA Vitality健康總部
7.45-8.45pm - 聊天及問答環節

Theme: What’s love got to do with it? Falling in, and out of, love with your sport and all the bits in-between.

主題: 運動和愛有關係?愛上和不再喜愛運動的原因和所有有關的一切。

As always, mums, dads, friends, teammates, cousins and dogs are all welcome.



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